Here you can view a Dignity at Work Policy produced by the national Civility and Respect Project: Dignity-at-Work-Policy.
The policy is due to be considered at the next Council meeting on Tuesday 6th September 2022.
Nuneham Courtenay Parish Council
Serving the local community
Here you can view a Dignity at Work Policy produced by the national Civility and Respect Project: Dignity-at-Work-Policy.
The policy is due to be considered at the next Council meeting on Tuesday 6th September 2022.
Here you can view a table showing all the receipts since 28th June 2022: 20220906 receipts report
Here you can view a bank reconciliation to end July 2022, one-third of the way through the financial year: Bank Rec 2022-23 end month 4
Here is a budget monitoring report to end July 2022, covering the first four months, one-third of the financial year: Budget monitoring to end July 2022
Here is the monthly report for July 2022 from our County Councillor Robin Bennett: OxonCC News 202207
Here is District Councillor Sam Casey-Rerhaye’s report for June 2022: SODC Report 202206
Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the Council’s 2021-22 Annual Governance and Accountability Return, the accounting records for the last financial year and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records.
This period for the Exercise of Public Rights runs from Wednesday 29th June to Tuesday 9th August 2022.
You can see the 2021-22 Annual Governance and Accountability Return on the Council’s noticeboard outside the Village Hall and you can find a mass of further information on the 2021-2022 Finances page of the Council’s website.
To exercise your rights, please contact the Clerk by email, telephone or post. You can find all the details on the Exercise of Public Rights Notice on the 2021-2022 Finances page of this website or on the notice on the noticeboard.
Here you can view the signed minutes of the 28th June 2022 Council meeting: 20220628 NCPC minutes signed
Images of signed documents are not accessible so if you wish to read an accessible copy of the minutes, please ask the Parish Clerk for an accessible copy of the unsigned minutes.
Here you can view the agenda for the Council meeting to be held on Tuesday 28th June 2022 at 7pm in the Village Hall: 20220628 agenda
Here you can view the signed minutes of the 3rd May 2022 Annual Meeting of the Council: 20220503 NCPC annual mtg minutes signed
Images of signed documents are not accessible so if you wish to read an accessible copy of the minutes, please ask the Parish Clerk for an accessible copy of the unsigned minutes.