Every Town and Parish Council has to answer a set of questions each year about its governance as part of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return. You can see here the questions Nuneham Courtenay Parish Council will have to answer at its meeting on 19th August 2020: Annual Governance Statement blank
Geoffrey Ferres
Internal Audit Report 2019-20
Here you can read the Internal Auditor’s report for 2019-20: Internal Audit Report 2019-20
You can also read the summary report published as part of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2019-20 here: Internal Audit Report for AGAR 2019-20
County Councillor’s Report for August 2020
Here is the monthly report from our County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale for August 2020: OCC Parish Report 202008
Council Meeting Agenda 7th July 2020
Here is the agenda for the Council meeting to be held remotely at 7pm on Tuesday 7th July 2020 via Zoom: 20200707 agenda
Proposed dates of Council meetings
Here is a list of proposed dates for Council Meetings up to and including May 2021: Dates of mtgs 2020-21
County Councillor’s Report for July 2020
Here is the monthly report from our County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale for July 2020: OCC Parish Report 202007
County Councillor’s Annual Report for 2019-20
Here is the annual report from our County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale for 2019-2020: OCC Parish Annual Report 2019-20
Budget monitoring report to end June 2020
Here is a budget monitoring report for the first three months of 2020-21: Budget monitoring to end June 2020
District Councillor’s Report June 2020
Here is District Councillor Sam Casey-Rerhaye’s report for June 2020: SODC Report 20200618
County Councillor’s Report for June 2020
Here is the monthly report from our County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale for June 2020: OCC Parish Report 202006