Annual Parish Meeting 2020

The parish council has set the date for this year’s Annual Parish Meeting. It will be in the Village Hall on Tuesday 21st April starting at 7pm and finishing no later than 9pm.
The Annual Parish Meeting is a chance to come along, meet some of your neighbours, hear what has been happening in the parish and tell the parish council what you think and what you want to see done.
There will be refreshments and finger food.

Stuart Little on at The Cinema Club

Friday 13th of April, 2pm

Stuart Little stars Hugh Laurie, Geena Davis, and Michael J Fox and is rated U.  Children must be supervised by an adult at all times.  You are welcome to bring blankets and or cushions if your child would be more comfortable sitting on the floor.  This is a noise welcome performance.  We are planning an interval, as usual with our films.

Although you may bring your one sippy cup, etc, we ask that you do not bring your own refreshments to this film, due to food allergies.  We will have refreshments including fruit and biscuits available to purchase at a low price.

Tickets are £3 for an adult and up to two children.  Each additional child is £1.

Local History Talk

May 18th, 7:30 pm, Nuneham Courtenay Village Hall

Dr Malcolm Airs, Emeritus Fellow, Kellogg College, Oxford will give an illustrated talk on the history of Nuneham Courtenay.

There will be a 50-minute talk followed by a social.  Please bring your Nuneham Courtenay memorabilia to share at during this time.

Advance tickets are available to purchase from June Harris, 28 Nuneham Courtenay, from 2-4, Monday-Friday.

If you can’t make these times contact and arrangements will be made.  Tickets are strictly limited.

Tickets are £3. Refreshments will be available to buy.

Jumble Sale

The Nuneham Courtenay Jumble Sale will be on this Saturday from 12:00 – 16:00.

Ever popular with resident’s, local vilages and those passing by, it’s a fun event so pop along and say hello.
Food and beverages are available.