Here is a bank reconciliation to end January 2021, five-sixths of the way through the financial year: Bank Rec end Jan
Geoffrey Ferres
Nuneham Courtenay Peacocks
Nuneham Courtenay can boast of a conspicuous naturalised citizen species; The Peafowl. The village was introduced to Indian peacocks and peahens in the 19th century (about a 150 years ago!).

The increasing population has led to a growing number of birds attempting to cross the extremely busy A4074.
Unfortunately, and not unexpectedly, this has sadly led so some peafowl casualties.
Schedule of Payments for January 2021 Council Mtg
Here you can read information about a list of payments to be approved by the Council at its 5th January 2021 meeting: 20210105 Payments.
If you would like to see copies of the actual invoices, please contact the Clerk.
County Councillor’s Report for January 2021
Here is the monthly report from our County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale for January 2021: OCC Parish Report 202101
Council Meeting Agenda 5th January 2021
Here is the agenda for the Council meeting to be held remotely at 7pm on Tuesday 5th January 2021 via Zoom: 20210105 agenda
November 2020 Council Meeting minutes
Here are the signed minutes of the November 2020 Council meeting: 20201103 NCPC minutes signed
Images of signed documents are not accessible so if you wish to read an accessible copy of the minutes, please ask the Parish Clerk for an accessible copy of the unsigned minutes.
Bank reconciliation to end November 2020
Here is a bank reconciliation to end November 2020, two-thirds of the way through the financial year: Bank Rec end Nov 2020
Budget monitoring report to end November 2020
Here is a budget monitoring report to end November 2020, covering the first eight months of the financial year: Budget monitoring to end November 2020
Draft Budget 2021-22
Here you can see a copy of a draft budget for 2021-22 prepared for the Council Meeting on Tuesday 5th January by the Parish Clerk in his capacity as Responsible Financial Officer: Draft budget v1.1
Playing Field
This report is going before the Council’s next meeting on Tuesday 5th January and describes a possible way of resolving a long-running dispute between the Council and the Nuneham Courtenay Sports and Playing Field Association: 20210105 report