Minerals and Waste Local Plan Public Consultation

Oxfordshire County Council has launched a public consultation on several sites proposed for future mineral extraction and waste management facilities within the county.

The sites are contained within the Draft Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Part 2 which is now out for consultation. Residents have until 4th March 2020 to submit views on the plan.

Mineral Extraction Site SG-42, Draft Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Part 2

This is an important chance for residents to submit their views on planning for minerals and waste development in Oxfordshire. The responses from this consultation will inform the next stage of the Draft Sites Plan preparation that will be put to further consultation later in 2020.

Work on the Draft Sites Plan follows on from the adoption of the Minerals and Waste Core Strategy in 2017. The Core Strategy set out the vision, objectives and policies for the supply of minerals and the management of waste in Oxfordshire over the period to 2031, and the Sites Plan sets out those sites needed to deliver the Core Strategy.

Following consultation last year, the Draft Sites Plan now sets out the four preferred mineral extraction areas and nine preferred waste management sites in the County that we believe will be needed in Oxfordshire up to 2031. We are seeking views on these sites and supporting policies.
Information about the consultation can be viewed on the council’s website, including the Draft Sites

Plan, Response Form and all the supporting documents. Hard copies of the plan can also be viewed at County Hall and a number of libraries across Oxfordshire. Comments can be made online, via email or posted to the Minerals and Waste Team at County Hall.

We encourage all residents and local communities to engage in this proposal and share their views at the consultation and in writing where possible.

Website: https://www2.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/content/new-minerals-and-waste-local-plan

Part 2 Site Allocations Report: https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/sites/default/files/file/planning-minerals-and-waste/OMWLP_SiteAllocationsFINALPLAN.pdf

Contact: mineralsandwasteplanconsultation@oxfordshire.gov.uk

‘Wonderful Villages’ Photo Competition

Win £500 in the ‘Wonderful Villages’ Photo Competition







Enter this years ‘Wonderful Villages’ Photo Conpetition and win a top prize of £1,000 for the community hall and £500 for the photographer!

–        Theme: ‘Village Life – a photo which characterises the value of community in your village’. (This is not about ‘pretty villages’ or professional photography, but rather capturing the essence of ‘community’ in a village.)

–        It’s open to all rural halls. No fee to enter. Halls can enter as many photos as they wish.

–        Entrants can nominate any rural hall they wish. It doesn’t have to be one that is local to them.

Closing date For entry is 15th March 2020



YOUR PHOTO MUST FOLLOW THIS THEMETO QUALIFY: ‘Village Life – a photo which characterises the value of community in your village’

2. Make sure you have a village or community hall to nominate and have asked permission to do so.

3. Select the ‘ENTER’ tab and fill in the form as completely as possible with the details requested. Your nominated hall must have a legitimate UK address.

4. Choose your photo for uploading. Format can be JPG, JPEG, PNG or GIF.

5. Press ‘ENTER’ and await confirmation of successful upload.

Please vote for the best photos from other communities in order to help the judges.  https://villagehallsurvey.com/survey/photo-competition/photo-gallery



Good Luck!