Here is District Councillor Sam Casey-Rerhaye’s report for May 2020: SODC Report 20200517
Geoffrey Ferres
County Councillor’s Report for May 2020
Here is the monthly report from our County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale for May 2020: OCC Parish Report 202005
District Councillor’s Report April 2020
Here is District Councillor Sam Casey-Rerhaye’s report for April 2020: SODC Report 20200417
County Councillor’s Report for April 2020
Here is the monthly report from our County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale for April 2020: OCC Parish Report 202004:
District Councillor’s Report March 2020
Here is District Councillor Sam Casey-Rerhaye’s report for March 2020: SODC Report 20200318
Latest news on the South Oxfordshire Local Plan
You can read a letter from our District Councillor Sam Casey-Rerhaye here: Latest news on the Local Plan
County Councillor’s Report for March 2020
Here is the monthly report from our County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale for March 2020: OCC Parish Report 202003
Annual Parish Meeting 2020
The parish council has set the date for this year’s Annual Parish Meeting. It will be in the Village Hall on Tuesday 21st April starting at 7pm and finishing no later than 9pm.
The Annual Parish Meeting is a chance to come along, meet some of your neighbours, hear what has been happening in the parish and tell the parish council what you think and what you want to see done.
There will be refreshments and finger food.
January 2020 Council meeting minutes
Here are the signed minutes of the January 2020 Council meeting: 20200107 NCPC minutes signed
Council Meeting Agenda 24 February 2020
Here is the agenda for the Council meeting to be held at 7pm on Monday 24th February 2020 in the Village Hall: 20200224 agenda