South Oxfordshire Local Plan – Parish Meeting


South Oxfordshire Local Plan update

All residents of Nuneham Courtenay are invited to attend a 

Parish Meeting 

on the 

South Oxfordshire Local Plan 

to be held in 

Nuneham Courtenay Village Hall 


Tuesday 5th February 2019 

starting at 



District Councillor Sue Lawson will give a short introduction. 

You can then ask questions and give your opinions. 

There will be refreshments and all villagers are invited to attend. 



South Oxfordshire Local Plan

The formal public consultation began on 7 January and will run for six weeks until Monday 18 February at 5pm. This is the final chance for residents, businesses and organisations to have their say on the plan – their comments will be submitted with the plan to the government by the end of March 2019. The examination of the plan by an independent government inspector is expected to follow in the summer.

You may be aware that in May 2018, councillors asked officers to reassess all main sites available for housing in the district. Since then, we have been reassessing the main sites that were allocated in the last draft of the Local Plan, along with sites promoted to us and the sites that were previously considered but weren’t taken forward.

That assessment has now fed into the new draft of the Local Plan; you can view a briefing note that explains the key changes in the plan here:


Next Steps

After the publicity period, we will submit the plan, evidence and responses received directly to the Secretary of State in accordance with Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. A Planning Inspector will then be appointed to carry out an Independent Examination in Public (EiP).

The Inspector will examine the Local Plan 2011-2034, the evidence supporting it and the comments received and will hear comments from those who wish to appear at the formal hearing sessions. The Inspector will then report as to whether the plan is “sound” and “legally compliant”.

We urge parishioners to submit their comments for the plan here:

To further discuss this issue we invite you to contact the Nuneham Courtenay Parish Council