Meeting Minutes Friday 2nd June 2017 at 13:00PM

Minutes of the meeting of Nuneham Courtenay Parish Council is on Friday 2nd June 2017 at 13:00PM in Nuneham Courtenay Village Hall


Present:  Parish Councillors – Madhvi Saini, John Peters, Sue Lawson, Elizabeth Gillespie

Also Present:  Jasminder Love, Jenny Taylor, Sheila Barratt & 6 other members of the public

Parishioners’ issues:

  1. The new developments had exposed the problem that there was inadequate parking in the village, since there are now more vehicles chasing the few available spaces. There are no yellow lines & limited village hall parking. Parking on the verges was dangerous because it blocked the view from individual driveways. The more recent developments have been approved by SODC without adequate parking included. Highways department & the Police claimed to have no responsibility. Only County Councillors could help. Control development to control parking.


  1. Development in the Green Belt was a concern. Would a Neighbourhood Plan give more weight to restricting developments? There is a culvert running underneath the new developments & if that collapses who is responsible? The University of Oxford sold the land on to a developer who knew the culvert problem & claims to have made it safe, although the Parish Council is not happy.


  1. Conservation in the village. It appears that new villagers are doing what they want in the village & not adhering to the rules. SODC has conservation plans but the wrong bricks were used on the new development & houses painted in the wrong colour. However, after a brief exchange, the exact colour scheme was not fully clear. A method of enforcement of the rules was required. It was agreed to meet with the SODC conservation officer; agree the rules & then the Parish Council will discuss & publicise to ensure consistency.


  1. Planning Application P17/S1363/FUL for a single storey extension at number 37 Nuneham Courtenay was discussed. The separate building in the garden was bigger than anything else in the village & was thought to be inconsistent with the agreed village environment. This appears to be an over development of the site. While parking was supposed to be for 4 cars this was only possible by shuffling the vehicles onto the busy road.


  1. Planning Application P17/S1383/FUL. Development at Old Smithy. The developer not able to attend the meeting since it was arranged at short notice. It was noted that it was possible  to arrange another meeting before consultations closed on 14th June if necessary.


  1. The issue of traffic speed & volume was raised. Villagers took their life in their hands simply trying to cross the road sometimes, particularly the elderly or mothers with toddlers. A highways crossing was urgently required & the 30mph speed limit extended.


Parish Council Meeting

Declaration of Interests: None.

Apologies: None.

Minutes of the meeting held on 22 May 2017 were accepted as a record of the Parish Council meeting & signed. However, disappointment was expressed that no mention was made of the meeting preceding the Council Meeting where more than 20 villagers confirmed that they wished to continue with a Nuneham Courtenay Parish Council & discussed several local issues including new building developments in the village – with views expressed for & against.

Matters Arising

  • A Parish Clerk, Stewart Deakin, was appointed. Proposed Councillor Saini; seconded by Councillor Peters
  • A new Councillor, Jenny Ballam, was appointed. Proposed Councillor Saini; seconded by Councillor Gillespie. The number of Councillors is now 5, with 3 being required for a quorum

County Councillor: No issues

District Councillor: No issues

Planning Applications

P17/S1363/FUL; for a single storey extension at number 37 Nuneham Courtenay. The Parish Council to object to this development on the basis of size & inconsistency with other properties in the village

P17/S1383/FUL; 3 Barn style, single storey retirement homes at The Old Smithy, Nuneham Courtenay. The Parish Council to object to this development on the basis that, if agreed, it would be extending building into the Green Belt; continuing concern about the culvert running under the development and with 10 houses & 4 flats already built or in progress on this site, it could be considered an overdevelopment of the location. Since the Parish Council could not support this application, any further public meeting on this issue should be organised by the developer.

Any Other Business

The next Parish Council Meeting will be on 18 July 2017 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.  Future meetings to be held every 2 months at 7.30 on 1st Tuesday in the month being 5th September & 7th November 2017


PDF of Meeting Minutes (Opens in a new tab)
