Here is the monthly report from our County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale for December 2020: OCC Parish Report 202012
Geoffrey Ferres
District Councillor’s Report November 2020
Here is District Councillor Sam Casey-Rerhaye’s report for November 2020: SODC Report 20201103
County Councillor’s Report for November 2020
Here is the monthly report from our County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale for November 2020: OCC Parish Report 202011
Council Meeting Agenda 3rd November 2020
Here is the agenda for the Council meeting to be held remotely at 7pm on Tuesday 3rd November 2020 via Zoom: 20201103 agenda
September 2020 Council Meeting minutes
Here are the signed minutes of the September 2020 Council meeting: 20200901 NCPC minutes signed
Images of signed documents are not accessible so if you wish to read an accessible copy of the minutes, please ask the Parish Clerk for an accessible copy of the unsigned minutes.
Bank reconciliation to end September 2020
Here is a bank reconciliation to end September 2020, the half-way point in the financial year: Bank Rec end Q2
Budget monitoring report to end September 2020
Here is a budget monitoring report to end September 2020, covering the first half of the financial year: Budget monitoring half-year
County Councillor’s Report for October 2020
Here is the monthly report from our County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale for October 2020: OCC Parish Report 202010
County Councillor’s Report for September 2020
Here is the monthly report from our County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale for September 2020: OCC Parish Report 202009
Lower Farm, Nuneham Courtenay: report against the threat of mineral extraction
Here you can read a report written by Keevill Heritage Ltd on the importance of the Roman remains at Lower Farm. The Parish Council contributed over half of the cost of the report which presents a strong case against destruction of the site to extract gravel.
Keevill archaeological report