Here you can view a draft Records Management and Retention Policy to be considered by the Council at its 2021 Annual Meeting on Tuesday 4th May 2021: 20210504 Records Mgt & Retention Policy draft
Geoffrey Ferres
Proposed dates of Council meetings
Here is a list of proposed dates for Council Meetings up to and including May 2022: Dates of mtgs 2021-22
County Councillor’s Report for April 2021
Here is the monthly report from our County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale for April 2021: OCC Parish Report 202104
County Councillor’s Annual Report for 2020-21
Here is the annual report from our County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale for 2020-2021: OCC Parish Annual Report 2020-21
Annual Parish Meeting 2021: statement from Nuneham Courtenay Sports and Playing Field Association
Here is the full text of a statement delivered to the 2021 Annual Parish Meeting by the Nuneham Courtenay Sports and Playing Field Association (NCSPFA): APM 2021 NCSPFA statement
Annual Parish Meeting 2021
The parish council has called the Annual Parish Meeting open to all parishioners for 7pm on Tuesday 23rd March 2021. It will be held via Zoom as a physical meeting would currently be illegal.
The parish council looks forward to seeing you.
The meeting is your chance to hear what the Parish Council and other community organisations have been doing and to say what you would like to happen in Nuneham Courtenay.
The Council will not be offering you refreshments this year but you can eat and drink in the safety of your own home.
You can view the agenda here: APM agenda 2021
You can view the minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting, held in 2019, here: APM notes 2019
Council Meeting Agenda 2nd March 2021
Here is the agenda for the Council meeting to be held remotely at 7pm on Tuesday 2nd March 2021 via Zoom: 20210302 agenda
Grant application
Here you can view an application from Oxfordshire South and Vale Citizens Advice for a grant from the Parish Council: OSAV Citizens Advice grant application
January 2021 Council Meeting minutes
Here are the signed minutes of the January 2021 Council meeting: 20210105 NCPC minutes signed
Images of signed documents are not accessible so if you wish to read an accessible copy of the minutes, please ask the Parish Clerk for an accessible copy of the unsigned minutes.
Budget monitoring report to end January 2021
Here is a budget monitoring report to end January 2021, covering the first ten months of the financial year: Budget monitoring to end January 2021