Here is a budget monitoring report to end May 2021, covering the first two months of the financial year: Budget monitoring to end May 2021
Geoffrey Ferres
2021 Annual Council Meeting minutes
Here you can view the signed minutes of the 2021 annual meeting of the Council: 20210504 NCPC annual mtg minutes signed
Images of signed documents are not accessible so if you wish to read an accessible copy of the minutes, please ask the Parish Clerk for an accessible copy of the unsigned minutes.
March 2021 Council Meeting minutes
Here you can view the signed minutes of the March 2021 Council meeting: 20210302 NCPC minutes signed
Images of signed documents are not accessible so if you wish to read an accessible copy of the minutes, please ask the Parish Clerk for an accessible copy of the unsigned minutes.
District Councillor’s Annual Report 2020-21
Here is District Councillor Sam Casey-Rerhaye’s annual report for 2002-21: SODC Annual Report 202104
Council Annual Meeting Agenda 4th May 2021
Here is the agenda for the Council’s annual meeting to be held remotely at 7pm on Tuesday 4th May 2021 via Zoom: 20210504 annual mtg agenda
New Financial Regulations
The Clerk is recommending that the Council adopts the latest version of the model Financial Regulations issued by the National Association of Local Councils which he has adapted to the circumstances of this parish. You can view the draft as an accessible pdf here: 20210504 NALC Model Financial Regs
District Councillor’s Report March 2021
Here is District Councillor Sam Casey-Rerhaye’s report for March 2021: SODC Report 20210302
County Councillor’s Report for March 2021
Here is the monthly report from our County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale for March 2021: OCC Parish Report 202103
County Councillor’s Report for March 2021 – part two
Here is the second part of the monthly report from our County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale for March 2021: OCC Parish Report 202103 pt 2
Annual Governance Statement 2020-21
Here you can view the questions in the Annual Governance Statement 2020-21 that the Council must answer at its 2021 Annual Meeting on Tuesday 4th May 2021: Annual Governance Statement 2020-21 blank