Meeting Minutes Wednesday 1st August 2018 at 7pm

The next meeting of Nuneham Courtenay Parish Council is to be held on Wednesday 1st August 2018 at 7pm in Nuneham Courtenay Village Hall


  • Apologies for absence
  • Declarations of interest
  • Public participation

Members of the public may make representations, answer questions and give evidence at a meeting which they are entitled to attend in respect of the business on the agenda.

The period of time designated for public participation at a meeting shall not exceed 10 minutes unless directed by the chairman of the meeting.

A member of the public shall not speak for more than five minutes.

  1. 25 Nuneham Courtenay: Construction of timber-framed and timber-clad detached double garage with studio above [P18/S0947/HH] [Consultation deadline: 22nd August 2018]. The application can be viewed here:
  2. Notcutts Garden Centre: Replacement of existing signs with six advertisement and five logistical signs [P18/S2290/A] [Consultation deadline: 6th August 2018]. The application can be viewed here:
  3. 8 Nuneham Courtenay: Proposed alterations to existing hardstanding and insertion of new entrance gates [P18/S1928/LB] [P18/S2264/HH] [Consultation deadline: 8th August 2018]. The application can be viewed here:
  4. Global Retreat Centre: Construction of external central heating boiler enclosure, related service route to main house, conversion of existing bathrooms to shower rooms and introduction of new roof insulation [P18/S1886/LB] [P18/S1885/FUL] [Consultation deadline: 25th July 2018]. The application can be viewed here:
  • Finance
  1. Update
  2. Approval of payments sought, including:
  • £134, Arrow Accounting, Internal Audit 2017-18
  1. Confirmation of payments made by the Chair and Vice-Chair since the last Council Meeting:
  • £612.36, Geoffrey Ferres, Clerk pay net of tax Q1
  • £153, HMRC, PAYE tax deducted Q1
  1. Approval of changes to bank mandate
  2. Approval of procedure for payments to staff
  • Correspondence for information only – matters requiring a Council decision will appear elsewhere on the agenda
  • Grant application from Nuneham Courtenay Lunch Club
  • Standing Orders

The Council will consider draft Standing Orders tabled by the Clerk incorporating the changes agreed at the Annual Council Meeting

  • Risk Assessment

The Council will consider a draft Risk Assessment tabled by the Clerk incorporating the changes agreed at the Annual Council Meeting

  • Consideration of recommendations in the Internal Auditor’s Report 2017-18
  • Data Protection issues
  • Playing Fields Lease
  • Publicising the new guide to the Nuneham Courtenay Legal Agreement
  • Brown garden waste bin for the churchyard
  • New litter bins
  • Proposal to cover the cycle rack at the south end of the village
  • Electronic means to communicate with parishioners
  • Automated external defibrillator
  • Any other business


PDF of Meeting Agenda (Opens in a new tab)
