Meeting Minutes Friday 29th June 2018 at 7:00PM

Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of Nuneham Courtenay Parish Council held on Friday 29th June 2018 at the Village Hall

The Chair opened the meeting at 6.58pm

  • Present/Apologies for absence

Parish Councillors: James Fallon, John Peters (Vice-Chair), Madhvi Saini (Chair) and Mandy Rigault.

  • Internal Auditor’s Report 2017-18

The Council noted the report and agreed to consider the recommendations at a future meeting.

  • Annual Governance Statement 2017-18

The Council agreed to answer “no” to statements 1 to 7, “yes” to statement 8 and “N/A” to statement 9. The Chair and the Clerk then signed Section 1 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2017-18 Part 2.

  • Statement of Accounts 2017-18

The Council unanimously approved the Accounting Statements 2017-18 as submitted by the Clerk as Responsible Financial Officer to the Internal Auditor. The Chairman and the Clerk then signed Section 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2017-18 Part 2.

  • Certificate of Exemption from External Audit for


The Council agreed unanimously to certify the Council as exempt from a limited assurance review and from the duty to submit the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2017-18 to the external auditor, Moore Stephens. The Chair and the Clerk then signed the Certificate of Exemption.

The meeting closed at 7.22pm.