District Councillor’s Report October 2019

District Councillor’s Report October 2019, by Sam Casey-Rerhaye

District Councillor Report October 2019


Local Plan update

The planning inspectors due to carry out a public examination of the emerging Local Plan have provided an initial list of questions and comments about the plan that was submitted in March.  This is the normal first stage of the process for the examination of a Local Plan.

The inspectors appreciate that councillors will be considering the Local Plan at the Council meeting in October, but as the plan was submitted back in March, it currently remains at the examination stage.

The list of questions is now available on our website.

The Full Council meeting is on 10th October 2019. Speakers are welcome to register to put their views forward to councillors. As I have outlined before, we have been discussing the options and have been extremely united in our approach to our partners; we are determined to do the best for the District, and resist efforts to bully us.


Council Finances

The Council has to balance its books, and the cuts to Local Government funding have meant that the Council is spending more than it receives in Revenue. SODC Council Tax rates are well below the average in terms of level of Council Tax compared to other Shire counties as unfortunately levels have historically been kept low and revenue reserves used instead. This is not sustainable.  The new administration is taking a more responsible approach and are seeking new sources of revenue and ways to keep costs down,  but will also need to review Council Tax.


Jobs Fair

On Tuesday 15 October our South and Vale Business Support team are teaming up with Soha to host a jobs fair at Cornerstone Arts Centre.  The event takes place between 1pm and 5.30pm.

There’ll be an assortment of flexible and part-time roles on offer, including vacancies that are tailored for young people and for those coming back into work.  Please help spread the word to friends and family


PopUp Business School

The PopUp Business School is coming to Shrivenham on 7-11 October.  Would-be entrepreneurs from right across both districts can attend this free five-day course taking place at the Viscountess Barrington’s Memorial Hall from 10am-3pm.  The school gives positive and practical training on how to get a business idea off the ground through a series of hands-on workshops.
Please help spread the word in your wards and let people know that registration is now open via popupbusinessschool.co.uk/shrivenham


Voter registration updates

Electoral services at SODC have just sent reminder letters to around 43,000 homes who are yet to respond to the yellow ‘Household Enquiry’ form. Last month, letters were sent to all homes across South and Vale requiring people to confirm the details of everyone over the age of 16 who currently lives in their property.  We need this information to make sure everyone who is eligible to vote is able to do so in any forthcoming elections.  So far more than 80,000 properties have responded.   As soon as people get their reminder letter, or if they can find the original letter, they should  visit householdresponse.com/southandvale to confirm their details are correct or, if not, provide the correct information.    If a household fails to respond by 5 October they will receive a visit from one of our officers to confirm the details.


‘Housing First’ to tackle homelessness

SODC have teamed up with housing association Soha to bring Housing First to South Oxfordshire.
Housing First is a breakthrough project aimed at ending homelessness among people with complex needs and long-term or repeated experience of rough sleeping.
The scheme works on the assumption that housing is a basic human right.  It offers housing and intensive support to homeless people, and provides a dedicated support worker to act as an advocate for clients.
The project offers good outcomes for clients – ending chaotic lifestyles by providing a stable, supportive environment for former rough sleepers to rebuild their lives.  It also produces revenue savings for local authorities in the long-term as it will help to reduce the amount of money required for temporary supported housing or hostels.
SODC have allocated six Soha homes for the pilot scheme, with Aspire, an award-winning employment charity and social enterprise, providing specialist support.

Plans for the new Council building in Crowmarsh Gifford

The Council Cabinet will be considering a report in October on the new building for both the South and Vale Districts councils which will replace the one that was burnt down a number of years ago.  We are working on achieving the most sustainable and flexible building possible. It makes sense to use the existing site as it belongs to the Council and after other sites were considered, this one remained the best overall.


Sam Casey-Rerhaye